"Mommy look! I'm on top of the mountain."
"Yes I see you, now please come back." squint squint squint
"I'm on top of the mountain!"
"I know, come eat your sandwich." squint squint squint
"I'm on top of the mountain!"
"Connor! Come here!" And he would come so I could coerce another bite of peanut butter and jelly into him.
Doesn't that sound lovely?
The funny part was that he thought the ducks were farting.
"Mommy, the ducks are farting."
"hahaha... no honey, they are quacking."
"oh, quacking... right."
Then we fed them a piece of Connor's sandwich which was fun. He liked that. He keeps telling me that "they ducks ate Connor's lunch". Yes they did sweetie, yes they did.
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